Monday, July 14, 2008

well, well, well....

It appears I have a blog. For many, many moons, I have been anti-blog. I don't even like how it sounds - blog, blog, bloooog. I used to refuse to even say it. I would say "weblog," or even "online journal." Perhaps I was a little pretentious. I just thought blogs were just narcissistic, navel-gazing drivel. Then I realized that I liked narcissistic, navel-gazing drivel - as long as I liked the person, and/or if they had an ability to make their story compelling. Examples: Smashed, anything Plath, my own online personal profiles (talk about narcissistic...) and my friend Lucy's excellent blog (bring it back, Pants!) , which did more than anything to bring me around from my blogism.

So I guess that's all I have to say for my first blog post, except that I found something on my desk chair, something that I was very worried about. But, fortunately, I didn't have to worry, and neither do you, because it was just a piece of black olive.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Pants! I am so proud. I feel like your team leader all over again. (Actually, I forgot to tell you that I will always be the boss of you.) Now I will have to bring back the blogness, and we can be narcissistic bloggers together. NUGGZ!